Junior Handling

Dear Junior Handling Representatives,

The European Dog Show 2021 will be held in Budapest from 28 to 31 December 2021.

We kindly invite you to enter your national champion to represent your country for the Junior Handling final on Sunday 31st December 2021,

by submitting the entry form you find attached to this e-mail –to the e-mail address juniorhandler@eds2021.hu

Last date of entry is 31st October 2021.

Please note that we will only accept national champions representing their own country i.e. the country in which they have permanent residence. The representatives or their Kennel Clubs must cover travelling and other expenses. Entering in the European Championship finals is free of charge for the national representatives.

Upon receipt of the entry form both the Kennel Club as the competitor will receive the confirmation. More information will be sent to the email address of the Junior Handler and to the sender on behalf of the Kennel Club.

You may find all related information on the website –under the dedicated menu point:   which will be updated regularly.

In case you would require any further information or have any question do not hesitate to send us an e-mail to juniorhandler@eds2021.hu

We will be glad to welcome your representative at the European Dog Show!

Kind regards,

Junior Handling Association of Hungary


Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesületeinek Szövetsége
1194 Budapest, Hofherr Albert u. 42.
1701 Budapest, Pf. 12.
T: +36 70 616 3312
E: kiallitas@kennelclub.hu
Online entry
Online administration
Facebook page
Youtube channel


Nemzetközi kutyakiállítás. Az esemény nyilvános, melyen kép- és hangfelvétel készül.