
According to the valid Hungarian animal health rules you must confirm the valid vaccinations
against rabies before entering the Show venue! Entering Hungary from EU and non EU countries according to the legistlation in force and law requirements.

Dogs with docked tail and cropped ears can be entered. They will be judged together with dogs with natural tail and ears.

Entry conditions:

Entering to the show is in accordance to the FCI and Hungarian Kennel Club's Show Regulations, the exhibitor by entering in the online-system, the exhibitor is undertake to comply with and be bound by the rules itself.


To the show only those dogs can be entered, who has original FCI registeed pedigree, one dog can be entered only to one class.

Entry is only available online!

Entries arrived by fax, e-mail or post are not accepted.

The entry is valid for one certain dog, there is no possibility to change the dogs.

The entry fee must be paid also in case of absence.


For the entry you must make registration before When making the online-entry you can make changes after the entry done for 6 hours. When you not make any changes in this 6 hours, the entry will become final. You will get automatically e-mail after making tfhe entry(ies). It includes all information. In the online system you can only make the payment by Bankcard or Creditcard.
If you not finish the creditcard payment in the online system, your entry will be cancelled automatically.

The exchange's fee between classes is 10 EUR/change.


Based on the decision made at the meeting of the MEOESZ Board of Directors on 12th December, 2018 it is possible to process certain administrative changes in duly justified cases as follows:

1. In case the injury or incidental death of the entered dog – which fact needs to be proved by a medical certificate –, the owner can initiate the change the dog for another dog owned by him, or else he can also request to use the entry fee for a later show to be organized by the same club.

2. When having a several day International show it is also possible to change the judging days in case the participant happen to have an unanticipated duty that cannot be postponed.

3. Change of class is only permitted upon the explicit appeal and request of the owner provided also the age of the dog allows it.

Please note the above mentioned administrative changes can be processed latest prior the final and published (but not the prolonged) entry deadline. All and any such request for change costs HUF 3.000/ 10 EUR change. Requests and appeals should be sent to
Administrative fees will be collected on the premises and on the date of Show. In this case the documents and start number of the concerned dog can be picked up at the Show Office prior the judging starts.


Entry deadlines:


Registration is open until midnight of 26th November, 2021!


Dear Exhibitors,


Our foreign exhibitors can travel to Hungary in accordance with the applicable entry conditions. Please consider these expectations when registering to the show, as we will not accept any cancellations, waiver or objection in this matter.


From 01.January 2021 only the hungarian registration dog ( with MET.... number) with hungarian address owner can pay hungarian Forint entry fee, all other dog need to pay Euro basis price what you can see here. The Hungarian membership card is not valid for the foreign exhibitors, they can't get discount from their entry fees for the hungarian CACIB and CAC show entry fees.


Grand Prix Winner CACIB Show


Entry before / Meldeschluss


1st dog / 1. Hund

65 €

Additional dog / Weiteren hund

60 €

Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran

55 €

Breeding Group / Zuchtgruppe

40 €

Progeny Group / Nachzuchtgruppe

40 €

Brace class / Paarklasse

40 €

Junior Handling

30 €


Interra Show


Entry before / Meldeschluss


1st dog / 1. Hund

55 €

Additional dog / Weiteren hund

50 €

Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran

45 €


World Cup for Hungarian Breeds & EU Cup for FCI Non Recognised Breeds


Entry before / Meldeschluss


1st dog / 1. Hund

55 €

Additional dog / Weiteren hund

50 €

Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran

45 €

Breeding Group / Zuchtgruppe

30 €

Progeny Group / Nachzuchtgruppe

30 €

Brace class / Paarklasse

30 €

Junior Handling

20 €


European Dog Show 2021


Entry before / Meldeschluss


1st dog / 1. Hund

110 € 2. Hund

100 € 3. Hund

90 €

Additional dog / Weiteren hund

90 €

Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran

60 €

Breeding Group / Zuchtgruppe

40 €

Progeny Group / Nachzuchtgruppe

40 €

Brace class / Paarklasse

40 €

Junior Handling

30 €




Please use the online registration option: !



We can only accept your entry if you pay the full entry fee.

Should the exhibition be permanently canceled due to the situation, the entry fees will be refunded after deducting a 20% bank handling fee.


Magyar Ebtenyésztők Országos Egyesületeinek Szövetsége
1194 Budapest, Hofherr Albert u. 42.
1701 Budapest, Pf. 12.
T: +36 70 616 3312
Online entry
Online administration
Facebook page
Youtube channel


Nemzetközi kutyakiállítás. Az esemény nyilvános, melyen kép- és hangfelvétel készül.